Recently Jonah decided that he doesn't like bread crusts. He just eats around them and leaves them on his plate. Today I told him that eating his crusts will give him big muscles like Daddy. (My sister Jamie tried that one out on a neighbor boy growing up)
"Oh yeah--Daddy eats all his crusts and that's why he's so strong."
Just then, Jon happened to walk by.
"Daddy, do you eat your cwusts?"
"Yup, I eat my crusts so that Scary Guy won't get me. And it gives me big muscles." Jon flexed for Jonah and walked outside.
Jonah's eyes were huge with awe and without a word he picked up his crusts and ate them all!
"What are you doing, Joe?" I asked.
"I'm gonna get stwong wike Daddy so I can keep Scawy Guy away."
"You have to eat a LOT of crusts to be strong like Daddy."
Hopefully we won't have to throw crusts away for the near future!