Monday, January 19, 2009

Hello Old Friends

Thanks for the wonderful comments via blogger or facebook telling me to get my booty in gear and get moving on the blog again--it is good to be loved and missed.
I have now (as of five minutes ago) upgraded our photo storage on blogger so we can (for a slight fee) keep in contact with all you lovely people. . . and I promise I won't pass that fee on to you (yet!).
The only catch is that it takes up to 24 hours to process the order and so we are left without picture posting capabilities until tomorrow. . . trust me, I tried already. But check back soon to hear all about how our crazy (you think I'm joking) January is going: Why Jon had to spend his whole day off (with a lot of help from friends) in the backyard today, how that check-up on that choo-choo in my tummy went, and why I listed my menu on the sidebar as "The Two Mama's Menu". Oh, and to see pictures of the kids, of course!! (We know who you really want to see, Grandmas!)
Hope to see you all (or for you to see us) soon.


the griffin familia said...

I think you need more things to do.

Dana said...

i think you need to kick my sister out and make her move back to AZ... =) (please!!)