Two little Nakies swimming in the pool.
Two little Nakies playing on the "Swing slide" as Boo calls it.
I couldn't resist this one!
Our good friends Steve and Brooke stayed with us last weekend and we had so much fun. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to go into labor. Jon and Steve got to play three different disc golf courses, Brooke and I went garage sale-ing (very successfully, I might add), and of course OMSI was on the agenda for the kiddos. It was also Steve's birthday (sorry for the not-great pic, you guys) and it was fun to celebrate with them. The next day was the 4th of July and when it got dark we sat outside watching the neighborhood and downtown fireworks and listening to the sirens...
Steve (click on his name for a sound bite--did I spell that right?) said it was as close to a war zone as he'd ever want to be. Brooke was about ready to get the garden hose out and make sure our fir trees didn't go up in flames.
We had a perfect weekend with good ol' friends.