Sunday, April 18, 2010

Your friendly neighborhood grocery shopper


April said...

what bothers me most about this picture isn't the shopping cart, but that it's a CHILD pushing the shopping cart. What are we trying to teach our children when we let them start so young at something so negative as grocery shopping? I always try to stay positive and open minded. Should my child CHOOSE to come shopping with me, I would allow them the very positive experience of riding in the cart, rather than pushing one. :) :) :)

Mel (AKA Dad, Papa Mel, Grampa) said...

Hey. You stole my thunder.

Sarah said...


JamieB said...

well... i can relate. whatever keeps them quiet and behaved for 5 minutes... that's my kind of shopping. I usually have 2 friendly neighborhood grocery shoppers. but only once ever 2-3 months. it takes us hours to get through it all!

JamieB said...

p.s. love her hair :) she looks so different!