Thursday, August 03, 2006

Amazing thing...this pregnancy.
I wake up completely nauseated (despite my Meclizine prescription) and stay that way (while I seek refuge on the couch) until about 3:30, when all of a sudden I feel fine! In between the nausea I stumble into the kitchen to make my kids "Breakfast" (a bowl of cereal) or "Lunch" (macaroni and cheese, again??) and myself whatever sounds and smells good. I stay away from the fridge (all those smells merging together make my stomach turn!) and slather a piece of toast with honey while I gulp down a piece of watermelon or some dry brown rice or a tuna sandwich (yes, together). It never ceases to amaze me that Black Pepper Kettle Chips always sound good, even at 8 in the morning and I am completely off coffee, which is a miracle in itself! (Can't stand the smell of the stuff!) But we are so excited and Jon proclaimed last night at dinner, "I can't wait for the BELLY!" hahaha


mamma g said...

O Elisabeth, I feel your pain (well not literally at the moment)! Our body's are so amazing and crazy hey? I've been thinking so much about you, how you've been. Hang in there momma! BTW, thanks so much for the birthday blessings, I was so blown away...words of encouragement are a main love language for me, as my hubby knew so well!

love to all,

JamieB said...

so i was reading the other day while sitting in the urgent care once again for Jay, all about how watermelon is a natural way to ease morning sickness. maybe that is why we both crave/craved it. the sugars and liquid in it are good for mom and baby! yeah! something good for us!!