Friday, September 19, 2008

The Belly!

Brynne is trying to say new words every day. At the beginning of this video she is yelling "Cheese!" Among her other words are: Me too!, Baba (cup), Bepo (Auntie April), Nigh-night, Eat!, Wii (oh yeah), Do-do (Joe-Joe), and Mo! (more). Jon does this little chant with her and they slap their bellies. It's a good thing we are as silly as our kids or else I think we would all go crazy.


Bananas and Damask Interiors said...

Oh Elisabeth,

So so cute. She's adorable. Sophie was on my lap when I was watching and she giggled and giggled saying "baby" the whole time...even though Brynne is about 5 months older! We both loved the clip.
Take care, Anna

Anonymous said...

Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch...

Mel (AKA Dad, Papa Mel, Grampa) said...

I don't think we should repeat this to anyone. Some might not understand if we tell them we have belly dancers in the family.

JamieB said...

she really is so cute... she looks different each time i see pics of her. give her a kiss for me! or a belly rub...

Jennifer said...

Baby bellies are so cute!

April said...

this made me smile. a lot. which i needed. i watched it over and over. can you get a video of her saying her words; i really want to hear me, too!
she's getting so big...and just looking so much like herself, you know? she has a different look than either Ava or Jonah. Can't wait to see her again...this is a long comment. :) luv u

Tobi said...

I love to see your kids! Wish I was closer...we could do the belly song together!!:)